Weather Badge Showers. Afternoon storm likely. Min: Max: 31

Updated: 9:50am

Admin Message: Jubilee Weather - Gerringong Weather forecasts, live weather observations and more.
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Currently: 17.7°c
Feels Like: 16.1°c
Water: °c
24hr Difference: °c
  Today Yesterday Month
High: 17.7°c 21.4°c 28.1°c
9:50am 5:10pm 4:55pm
Low: 13.2°c 16.2°c 13.2°c
2:35am 8:30am 2:35am
Wind direction, Gerringong NSW - W
272° (W) @15.4km/h
  5min Today Month
Gust 30.6km/h 30.6km/h 53.1km/h
Today: 0mm
Rate: 0mm/hr
Yesterday: 0mm
Month: 32.2mm
Year: 177.0mm
Barometer + Humidity
Humidity: 56%
Dew Point: 8.8°c
Barometer: 1020.5mb
Baro Trend: Rising Slowly
Station Information
Location: Gerringong
Elevation: 41m
Data Refresh: 5 Minutes

Wind Speed
Wind Direction

BoM Forecast (Today/Tomorrow)
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BoM Radar - Wollongong (Appin)
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Station Records (Since April 2011)
Event Extreme Date + Time
Daytime Max Temp: 44.1°c 18/01/13 2:00pm
Daytime Min Temp: -67.8°c 24/03/17 12:00am
Night time Max: 73.3°c 24/03/17 12:00am
Night time Min: -67.8°c 24/03/17 12:00am
Max Wind Gust: 112.7km/h 04/10/16 6:30pm